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After-Care Instructions

First 3 days!

You will have the  Recovery Derm Shield, a latex-free, transparent matte film adhesive bandage for the first 3 days. You will leave the bandage  alone until the 4th day after you get your tattoo. The Derm Shield application should stay in place for minimum of 24 hours, depending on level of exudation.  Do not wear the bandage longer than one week. It is normal for blood and fluids to collect under the bandage.


Do not soak the bandage. Running showers are fine, but no baths, pool, sauna, beach, or excess strenuous activities. The bandage is supposed to mimic a second layer of skin to protect the tattoo and that layer of skin. 

Daily Routine for 14 days!

With clean hands, Gently remove the Derm Shield by pulling it slowly from the edge back over itself under running water. Do not pull the bandage upwards. Gently clean with anti-bacterial soap such as Dial or Dr. Bronners Castile Soap with warm water and pat dry (Do not use a washcloth, loofa, washcloths, bath towels, or sponges) and ensuring there is no soap or any residue on the skin. Then add thin layer of lotion.

 Last 2-4 weeks!

Apply the LubriDerm or Gentle Fragrance Free Lotion 2-3 times a day for the next 2-3 weeks. Remember, keep it light, for the first week you are putting on the lotion or until your tattoo starts to flake/peel like a sunburn. Your tattoo should be completely healed within 2-4 weeks.


If you have extremely sensitive skin, the lotion may cause breakouts. If this happens, just reduce the number of your daily lotion application.


After the first few days, your tattoo may become itchy or begin to form flaky scabs. They will fall off on their own, so DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH AT YOUR TATTOO. Doing so can cause some of the pigment to disappear, and your tattoo may not heal properly. Keep it moisturized and the scabs will eventually dissipate.

Do’s & Dont’s
  • Clean towels, bedding and clothes are highly recommended during the healing process.

  • Showering is fine, however, please DO NOT soak your tattoo for at least 2 weeks. This means no swimming, baths or submerging your tattoo in water for long periods of time  

  • Avoid direct sunlight on your tattoo for at least 2 weeks and your tattoo is completely healed. After that, we advise putting on a sunblock (minimum SPF 50) on your tattoo whenever you find yourself in direct sunlight for the rest of your life. The sun will undoubtedly cause damage and compromise the longevity of your tattoo. 

  • Wear loose clothing (preferably cotton) and avoid constricting accessories like bra straps and tight waistbands over a fresh tattoo. Avoid dirty, sweaty or itchy clothing as they can create healing problems.

  • Do not let anyone or any dirty surface touch your tattoo for the next 3 weeks. It is considered a open wound and you can easily get infections if not properly protected and cleaned.

  • Do not rewrap your tattoo after you remove the first bandage, after that bandage is off your tattoo shouldn’t be a complete open wound and your skin needs to breathe and heal and giving it air will it allow it to form a scab/peel for proper healing

  • Do not do strenuous activities, such as heavy workouts. Light workouts like a brief walk/jog is acceptable for the first week. Nothing that creates a lot of excessive sweating. This will cause you to bleed and excreed excess fluids causing your tattoo to heal improperly

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